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Growing Up Gaming

Jan 29, 2019

On this week's episode, Garret Bland (@bland725) joins me to tell us his stories of playing co-op with grandma, RTS games with family and playing Pokemon Stadium without a transfer pak

check out his Twitch here.

If you want to be on the show, send a tweet at @GUGPodcast

Don't forget to subscribe,...

Jan 22, 2019

On this week's episode, Mike C² (@giantleap4geeks) joins me to tell us his stories of starting gaming at the arcades and how people didn't always complain about games back in the day.

check out his podcast here.

If you want to be on the show, send a tweet at @GUGPodcast

Don't forget to...

Jan 15, 2019

On this week's episode, MMG Mike (@MMGMike22) joins me to tell us his stories of learning to adapt to different controllers, Nintendo launch games, and teaching elderly people Wii Sports.

Check out his Twitch channel here!

If you want to be on the show, send a tweet at @GUGPodcast

Don't forget to...

Jan 8, 2019

On this week's episode, Amy Gilroy (@amygils89) joins me to tell us her stories of playing Eyetoy Games and how amazing Kingdom Hearts is

If you want to be on the show, send a tweet at @GUGPodcast

Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and share with your friends. 

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Jan 1, 2019

On this week's episode, Chris Becker (@SuperNintendad) joins me to tell us his stories of Meeting The Sandman from ECW and wrestling games, and how Nintendo has being ruining peoples eyesights for years

Check out all his content here!

If you want to be on the show, send a tweet at